Don't Tell Anyone! This Secret Rice Flour Scone Recipe is Divine!

Let's dive into a simple yet delicious recipe for scones that's easy to follow and sure to impress.

Let's dive into a simple yet delicious recipe for scones that's easy to follow and sure to impress. This recipe is all about making gluten-free scones, just mixing, and a secret recipe that's a special treat. You'll need rice flour, cane sugar, a pinch of salt, baking powder, fresh cream, and whole eggs. Start by preheating your oven to 200℃. 

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, then add the fresh cream and eggs, stirring until everything's well combined. If the rice flour's been sitting for a while, you might need to mix it by hand. Shape the dough into a disc, cut into six pieces, brush with egg for a shiny finish, and bake for 20 minutes. You can also make them square if you prefer. Enjoy your homemade scones, and if you're reheating them, a quick toast in the toaster oven will restore their crispy exterior and moist interior.


- 1kg rice flour for confectionery (or 140g)

- 750g cane sugar (or 32g)

- A pinch of natural salt

- 113g Rumford Baking Powder (or 4g)

- 84g fresh cream

- 12g whole egg

- Whole egg (for glazing), as needed

How to Make:

1. Preheat your oven to 200℃.

2. Mix the rice flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder in a bowl.

3. Stir until everything's well combined.

4. Add the fresh cream and mix with a spoon. It's cool if it gets a bit crumbly.

5. Add whole eggs and mix until everything's mixed together. If the rice flour's been sitting for a while, you might need to mix it by hand.

6. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and shape it into a 2.5-3cm thick disc.

7. Cut into 6 equal pieces with a knife.

8. Place on a baking sheet and brush with two coats of whole egg for a shiny finish.

9. Bake for 20 minutes at 200℃.


- You can also shape them into squares if you prefer.

- If you're reheating them the next day, a quick toast in the toaster oven will restore their crispy exterior and moist interior.

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